Upon release/approval, they are immediately added to the Customer's Gift Certificate balance. I will release the coupon as soon as possible!
The customer can then USE those funds for themselves, OR they may email them to their friend(s) via the links provided automatically in the store (esp shopping cart sidebox). TO TRANSFER THE FUNDS TO A FRIEND: They can send via email as much as they want, to one or more individuals, up to the amount they've purchased. The recipient of the email will receive a new redemption code and continue with the redemption process, either redeeming via the email link, going to the Gift Certificate FAQ page or redeeming the Certificate during checkout. The customer can email the funds again if they wish or use the GV Balance for themselves. TO USE THEM FOR YOURSELF: It's easy! Just type the amount you want to apply (up to the total Gift Certificate value) in the "Apply amount" field on the Gift Certificate box of the Step 2 of 3 from the checkout process.
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