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Vintage Xmas Designs


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Product Description: This colorful and fun set includes:
4 Xmas Colored vintage designs
4 Xmas Inked vintage designs (outlines, ready to colour)
4 pairs of ribbons (one ribbon of each pair comes with the design and the other don’t)
8 Xmas Predecorated vintage labels8 Xmas Inked labels (outlines, ready to colour)

What makes this set so great is that is designed to satisfy both digital designers as crafts lovers. This is because the images are grouped and presented on A4 sheets in png AND jpg format. So they are ready to be printed (by using jpg format), or are available for extraction and manipulation by using the png format (wich is provided on transparent bg). It’s a great kit to use it for digital purposes, scrapboking, greeting cards, crafts of all kinds, digital stamps, etc. You just can print them and embellish your Xmas presents. The images are provided in High Resolution, 300 dpi.nAll the files are provided in very big sizes. Full of colors, textures and details.

PRINTING TIPS: The higher the quality of the paper, the better the impression. Use some heavy cardstock or photo paper for better results! Make sure your page scaling setting is set to NONE.  Some printers automatically re-set themselves each time.


System Requirements: Any program that supports JPG and PNG  files

Margaret Burnell
5 of 5 Stars
Having bought Paper Shelter images before and being absolutely delighted with them couldn't resist Winter Goddess. The images are so clear and easy to use


Surprise Discount! Minimun Order: $100 *lowercase tps50off

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